
Cork Astronomy Club

Blackrock Castle Observatory @ Castle Rd, Blackrock, Cork, Ireland

Talk, including questions and answers :  11:30 - 12:30.

Science Religion Storytelling

Odeon 4 (Point Square Dublin) @ E Wall Rd, North Dock, Dublin, Ireland

What do astronomy, religion, and science fiction have in common? They are all interested in the big questions; and they also all depend on the art of storytelling to present their strange and wonderful ideas in ways that people can understand, appreciate, and evaluate. We’ll examine why stories are fundamental to our understanding of religion; […]

Angels and Demons: Christian mysticism in fantasy (M)

How have Christian symbols, myths, and ideas been used in fantasy literature? C. S. Lewis was very open about his use of Christian symbols in the Narnia series; what other authors have done the same? Angels, demons, crucifixes, relics, heroes being sacrificed to save others, and even more subtle uses of numerology and abstract symbolism: […]

Epistemologies and disciplines: 2 astronomers

How does one come to know truth in the science of astronomy? Panellists discuss the role of empiricism and faith in conducting science and how to achieve a balance in knowing truth. Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell (University of Oxford), Brother Guy Consolmagno (Vatican Observatory) (, Russ Colson (Minnesota State University Moorhead) (M) (

Ancient astronomy meets future astronomy

Wicklow Hall-1 @ Wicklow, Ireland

Ireland has just joined the European Southern Observatory as well as LOFAR, building upon Ireland’s rich history of science and astronomy. Come and hear our panel explore this history from the neolithic times to modern, from Newgrange to the Great Ireland has just joined the European Southern Observatory as well as LOFAR, building upon Ireland’s […]

What writers need to know: physics and space travel

Liffey Room-2 @ River Liffey, Ireland

This is the second of a two-part series of panels designed to help authors on science topics. Join our panel of experts who share the ins and outs about physics and space because, in the words of Han Solo, …‘travelling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops.’ Our panellists will cover writing tips and resources available […]

Latest results from asteroid missions

Odeon 2 (Point Square Dublin) @ E Wall Rd, North Dock, Dublin, Ireland

Asteroids are among the next frontiers. What lies in store for us with these floating chunks of potential in space? What missions have been launched? What data have we gathered? And who owns the material and information discovered? Let’s take a look at what we know and what future missions might reveal. Brother Guy Consolmagno […]

Is Your God Too Small?

Lay Centre @ Largo della Sanità Militare, 60, 00184 Roma RM, Italy

Humanity’s robots have visited every planet in the solar system; and fifty years ago humans even walked on the Moon. The contrast between “the World” and “the Cosmos” is becoming blurred, even as we are learning just how big the Cosmos is. We need to understand that all those other planets are real places, part […]

Adventures of a Vatican Astronomer

Glasgow University Memorial Chapel @ University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK

A one hour event in Glasgow University Memorial Chapel with potentially the most diverse audience of the week: university students, Catholic trainee teachers, Christians from Glasgow Diocese and Glasgow Presbytery as well as senior students from local schools. They will come to hear from an interesting person who knows interesting things and will communicate them […]

Scottish Catholic Schools Conference

Session one: Creation and Genesis 1 (half hour) Genesis does not tell us the science of how the universe was created. Rather, and more importantly, it tells us why we should care. Session two: Talking Faith and Science (half hour) How can a person of faith and science talk about either, in a way that […]