The Far Future Universe

  • Book
  • 384 pages
  • Level: university

The Far-Future Universe: Eschatology from a Cosmic Perspective, was published in Association with the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. It asks a number of questions, summarized here by the publisher, The Templeton Foundation:

Will our universe continue to expand 100 billion years from now? Does human life and all intelligence inevitably come to an end as the universe evolves? Could our present space be converted catastrophically into a new kind of space governed by different physical laws? Can we construct a theology of the future universe? Would the continuation of the universe for eternity be a good thing?

Nearly four hundred years ago, Galileo ground the Dutch “spyglass” and looked to the stars. His discoveries raised questions about the origin of the universe—questions that today, with our high-powered optical instruments, have become even more audacious. In Rome, at the Casina Pio IV, once a summer residence of Pope Pius IV and with links to Galileo, a group of scientists and theologians recently gathered to exchange research-in-progress, ideas, and opinions about the far future.

The Far-Future Universe presents eighteen provocative essays offering speculations on various scenarios for the future, from the perspectives of cosmology, physics, biology, humanity, and theology, including: Fr. George Coyne SJ [of the Vatican Observatory], John D. Barrow, Paul Davies, and A. Graham Cairns-Smith.

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