Featuring Fr. Paul Gabor and the latest news on the re-opening of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope!
Just for our paying members… we are announcing a new feature, a regular on-line meetup where we can get to know and chat with each other, and with astronomers from the Vatican Observatory.
Our first one will feature Fr. Paul Gabor SJ, the vice-director of the Vatican Observatory in Tucson, who will be talking about the VATT: its re-opening this week, its upgrades, and its future plans.
What date?The first one will be on Friday, June 5. We plan to hold one of these every day when it is Full Moon in Tucson, but don’t worry, we’ll announce it here as well so you’ll know which day around Full Moon we’re talking about.
What time? These meetups will happen around lunch time in North America: in particular, 10 am Tucson time, which is 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time. (Tucson does not go on daylight time so if this becomes popular enough to continue into the wintertime we may have to adjust this time accordingly.) Since you’re all astronomers [ 🙂 ] you can work out what time that is in your own neighborhood…
[In order to read the rest of this post, you have to be a paid-up member of Sacred Space, and logged in as such!]
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Topic: Vatican Observatory
Time: Jun 5, 2020 10:00 AM Arizona
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