Astronomical Events
Anniversary of the 2013 Chelyabinsk Asteroid Impact Event
On February 15 2013 an asteroid exploded in the sky over the city of Chelyabinsk, in the the southern Ural region of Russia. The shock wave blew out windows all over the city, injuring over 1600 people, and damaged several buildings.
Venus at Perihelion
The planet Venus is a Perihelion (its closest approach to the Sun) on this date.
Last Quarter Moon
The Moon is at Last Quarter (or Third Quarter) – rising around midnight, and visible to the south after sunrise.
First Quarter Moon
The Moon is at First quarter on this date -it will be visible high in the southern sky in early evening.
Global Astronomy Month
Inspired by the 100 hours of astronomy, this annual offshoot began upon the inception of Astronomers Without Borders and remains one of its flagship programs. A mix of various programs […]
Mars at Aphelion
Mars will be at the farthest point in its orbit around the Sun on this date - 154,425,919.9 miles.
Venus at Aphelion.
Venus's 225-day orbit around the Sun will carry it to its furthest point to the Sun – its aphelion – at a distance of 0.73 AU.
Summer Solstice
The summer solstice is the day when the Sun appears to reach its highest point in the sky during the year - it marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
International Asteroid Day
International Asteroid Day is a United Nations-recognized day observed each year on the anniversary of the Tunguska impact event of June 30, 1908.
Earth at Aphelion
Earth will be at the farthest point in its orbit around the Sun on this date
Mercury at Aphelion
Mercury's 88-day orbit around the Sun will carry it to its furthest point to the Sun – its aphelion – at a distance of 0.47 AU.