The Foundation
The Vatican Observatory Foundation (VOF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to support the scientific and educational endeavors of the Vatican Observatory, including the maintenance and modernization of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT).
Through fundraising efforts and educational outreach such as trips, newsletters and seminars, the Foundation provides a way for the general public to know about the Vatican Observatory and play an active role in its mission.
While funding for the Vatican Observatory salaries and administrative expenses comes directly from the Holy See, funding for the telescope and educational initiatives is derived from the generous support of the benefactors of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.

The Vatican Observatory Foundation contributes exclusively to support the scientific research of the Vatican Observatory and engaging the public in the knowledge derived from that research.
To that end it raises funds to support the Observatory’s scientific equipment, maintains its scientific research groups, and organizes scholarly meetings.
In the early 1990’s the marvels of technology and the commitment of a few visionary philanthropists made possible the creation of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), which empowered scientists to look with more acute “eyes” into the universe.
Today, the VATT continues to provide stunning access to the heavens for researchers from around the globe.
Combined with other technologies and the continued commitment of Vatican Observatory scientists, our work is literally pushing the boundaries of what we know and how we know it.
In addition, the Foundation supports the scientific work of the Vatican Observatory Research Group whose members have research status at the University of Arizona and whose offices are located within the Steward Observatory there.
The Foundation is now the principal source of funding for the world-renowned Vatican Observatory Summer Schools, established in 1986 and held every two years at the Vatican Observatory headquarters in Castel Gandolfo.
There, 25 outstanding students from around the world, mostly from developing nations, are immersed in four weeks of intensive study on some aspect of astrophysics as taught by world experts.
The Foundation publishes a web site, Sacred Space Astronomy, which regularly publishes articles at a popular level on astronomy and the interaction between science, faith, and the general culture. In addition it maintains an online resource site of articles on the topic of Faith and Science.
Each year members of the Observatory staff share their expertise by making educational presentations to over 5,000 persons from 90 educational, religious and academic groups. In addition, it holds an annual free seminar open to the public featuring noted research astronomers discussing the latest topics in astronomical research.
With recent technology the staff can now use the telescope remotely enabling expanded educational outreach programs for students and the public.
Vatican Observatory scientists are playing an increasingly important role in the dialogue on science and religious faith.

Support Us
With the support of generous benefactors like you, the Vatican Observatory explores the furthest reaches of God’s vast creation - the galaxies, stars and planetary systems that reveal to us God’s unlimited majesty.
By making a gift to the VOF, you are an important partner in embracing, encouraging and promoting scientific study on our journey toward truth and in celebration of His supreme beauty.
Rev. Pavel Gabor, S.J.
Tucson, AZ
Rev. Richard A. D’Souza, S.J.
Goa, India
Msgr. David A. Rubino
Erie, PA
Mr. John M. Lally
Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Guy Di Spigno
Dr. Linda Lapos
Allentown, PA
Mr. John M. Lally
Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Guy Di Spigno
Dr. Linda Lapos
Allentown, PA
Dr. Guy Di Spigno
Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, S.J.
Castel Gandolfo/Tucson, AZ
Mr. Brian W. Fitzpatrick
Lake Tahoe, CA
Ms. Kathryn R. Riemer
Phoenix, AZ
Mr. Christopher M. Graney
Louisville, KY
Mr. Christopher Kennedy
New York, NY
Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, S.J.
Castel Gandolfo/Tucson, AZ
Rev. Pavel Gabor, S.J.
Tucson, AZ
Rev. Christopher J. Corbally, S.J.
Tucson, AZ
Dr. Guy Di Spigno
Mr. Paul (Mickey) Pohl
Pittsburgh, PA
Ms. Jane Belford, Esq.
Washington, DC
Mr. Patrick J. Finneran, Jr.
Newnan, GA
Mr. Brian W. Fitzpatrick
Lake Tahoe, CA
Mr. Richard C. Gordon, Esq.
Las Vegas, NV
Mr. J. Michael Kelly
Chevy Chase, MD
Mr. Claude Lamoureux
Montreal, QC, Canada
Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J.
Buffalo NY
Ms. Kathryn R. Riemer
Phoenix, AZ
Mr. Joseph B. Starshak
Chicago IL
Mr. Andrew J. Strenio, Jr., Esq.
Washington DC
Rev. David A. Brown, S.J.
Tucson, AZ
Mr. Paul Wirth
Allentown, PA
Dr. Larry Lebofsky
Tucson, AZ
Mr. Christopher Kennedy
New York, NY
Mr. Robert Trembley
Clinton Township, MI
Mr. Christopher M. Graney
Louisville, KY
Mrs. Jeannette Hartshorne
Tucson, AZ
Ms. Michelle Cournoyer
Tucson, AZ

Foundation Contact
If you’d like to discuss supporting the Foundation or just have a general question, please feel free to reach out to me via the contact form.