Part of the Global Meteor Network (GMN), using the Raspberry Meteor System (RMS). These cameras are collecting real scientific data on meteors, that is being analyzed by Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya Eluo, S.J. and Carl Hergenrother

USV002 Detections, Mt Lemmon (temporarily located in Tucson)

USV002 Detections, Mt Lemmon

USV003 Detections, Mt. Hopkins

USV002 Stacked Image of Nightlong Meteor Capture, Mt Lemmon (temporarily located in Tucson)

USV002 Stacked Image

USV003 Stacked Image of Nightlong Meteor Capture, Mt. Hopkins

USV002 Radiant Plot, Mt Lemmon (temporarily located in Tucson)

USV002 Radiant Plot, Mt Lemmon

USV003 Radiant Plot, Mt. Hopkins

USV003 Radiant Plot, Mt. Hopkins

USV002 TimeLapse Movie, Mt Lemmon (temporarily located in Tucson)

Download Mt. Lemmon Time Lapse mp4 movie

USV003 TimeLapse Movie, Mt. Hopkins

Download Mt. Hopkins Time Lapse mp4 movie

Links to GMN-RMS images in the New Mexico Meteor Array
Links to more GMN-RMS images from around the world
GMN-RMS Meteor Results for the US, select Monthly and zoom out map
The Global Meteor Network (GMN)

  Page updated: June 11 2022