
The Vatican Observatory has a commitment to education, from training K-12 teachers in North America to supporting postgraduate students in the developing world.

Find below examples of our education impact.

Vatican Observatory Summer Schools (VOSS)

Since 1986, our biennial Vatican Observatory Summer Schools (VOSS) have brought more than 400 postgraduate astronomy students, many from the developing world, to Castel Gandolfo for intense four week courses in astrophysics. Alumni/ae include key scientists at the European Southern Observatory and the Event Horizon Telescope, and teach at universities around the world. The next summer school is scheduled to take place in 2023. Applications will open in the fall of 2022.

Astronomy for Catholic Ministers and Educators (ACME)

The Astronomy for Catholic Ministers and Educators (ACME) workshops bring parish priests and educators from K-12 Catholic schools to Tucson for an immersion into the world of astronomy and ongoing conversations on how to present science in the setting of Catholic schools and parishes. The next ACME program will take place on January 10-14, 2022. Applications will open in September 2021.

University of Arizona

Since their arrival in Tucson in the 1980s, Vatican astronomers have taught a series of astronomy courses both for undergraduates and graduate students in the Astronomy Department of the University of Arizona.

High School Presentations

Vatican astronomers are regular speakers, both in person and on-line, to high school science and religion classes in North and South America, Europe, Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand.

Science Fairs

A good citizen in the local Tucson community, the Vatican Observatory Foundation sponsors science fair awards for students in Southern Arizona.


Recent posts from the Vatican Observatory.

A Week Talking to High School Students

Vatican Observatory summer school: Young astronomers dedicated to “sheer joy of knowing” (Video)

A little bit of astronomy

It’s Only Seven Light Years Away! Musings from a Middle School Science Teacher


Some education related events worth noting.

Venus at Perihelion

Last Quarter Moon

New Moon

Faith & Science Resources

The Faith and Science Resource Center is our digital archive of articles, videos, and audio files on the topic of Faith and Science, for the use of Catholic educators and educated Catholics.

Many of these have been produced by members of the Vatican Observatory with the support of the Vatican Observatory Foundation; others are links to other outstanding sites on the topic.

Main categories include:

  • The History of Church and Science

  • The Church and Science Today

  • Science, Theology and Philosophy

  • Life in the Universe

  • Cosmology

  • Galileo

  • Science, Religion and Society
