Perseids Meteor Shower
The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower as they peak on warm August nights as seen from the northern hemisphere. The Perseids are active from July 17 to August 24, peaking on August 12 - 13.
The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower as they peak on warm August nights as seen from the northern hemisphere. The Perseids are active from July 17 to August 24, peaking on August 12 - 13.
Fall begins with the autumnal equinox - in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the September equinox; in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the equinox in March.
A partial lunar eclipse will take place on this day - it will be completely visible over Europe and most of Asia and Africa.
The planet Venus appears 1.0° south of the Moon on this date. Closest approach is at 3:38 AM ET in the eastern sky
Active from October 13th to December 2nd, 2021, peaks Nov 11-12th
Uranus will be in opposition to the Sun on this date; this is when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and Uranus.
Active from November 3rd to December 2nd, peaks Nov 17-18th
The Moon is at Last Quarter (or Third Quarter) – rising around midnight, and visible to the south after sunrise.
New Moon. By the modern definition, New Moon occurs when the Moon and Sun are at the same geocentric ecliptic longitude. The part of the Moon facing us is completely in shadow then. Pictured here is the traditional New Moon, the earliest visible waxing crescent, which signals the start of a new month in many […]
The Moon is at First quarter on this date -it will be visible high in the southern sky in early evening.
The Ursids peak just before Christmas with rates of 5-10 meteors per hour during the late morning hours.
The winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, occurs when either of Earth's poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun.