Astronomy at the Beach 2022
Michigan's Largest Free Astronomy Event - 26th Year! Sept. 16 & 17
Michigan's Largest Free Astronomy Event - 26th Year! Sept. 16 & 17
Tue. Sept. 27: Br. Guy Consolmagno will take the stage at The Sheen Center's Loreto Theater and explore popular themes in science and science fiction.
The Mount Saint Francis Retreat Center will host a star party on Oct. 1, 6-10 pm. Chris Graney will be keynote speaker.
International Observe the Moon Night is a time to come together with fellow Moon enthusiasts and curious people worldwide. Everyone on Earth is invited to learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations.
An Evening with Brother Guy Consolmagno at St. Cecilia Parish in Boston - Nov 1st at 6:00 PM
Br Guy Consolmagno, S.J. will give a talk on the history of Vatican Observatory and its activities today.
At the annual Dr. Barry Rankin Sunday at CTU on God’s Creation, CTU will feature a lecture by Br. Guy Consolmagno
Brother Guy Consolmagno to give a talk at SLAC's Kavli Auditorium, Monday, March 20, 2023 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm PST
Br. Guy Consolmagno will be giving the talk "From Galileo to Laudato Si’" at 7:30 pm (Eastern Time) in the MIT Stata Center, Building 32-155 at 7:30pm on April 3rd.