


Macke R. J., Opeil C. P., Britt D. T., and Consolmagno G. J. will discuss "Thermal Properties of Lunar Material in Permanently Shadowed Regions" at the  2021 NASA Exploration Science Forum & European Lunar Symposium. Session date and time TBD.    

Moon at Perigee

Every month, the Moon’s eccentric orbit carries it to perigee, the Moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit – then 2 weeks later, to apogee, its most distant point from Earth.

Full Moon

The Full Moon rises at sunset, and is visible all night. The Vatican Observatory's monthly Full Moon Meetup for Sacred Space Astronomy subscribers is held at 10:00 AM Tucson time.

Piscis Austrinids

The Piscis Austrinids are a faint Meteor Shower that radiate from an area to the west of the brightest star Fomalhaut in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus - the southern fish.

St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits.

Ignatius of Loyola (Basque: Ignazio Loiolakoa; Spanish: Ignacio de Loyola; Latin: Ignatius de Loyola; c.  23 October 1491 – 31 July 1556) was a Spanish Basque Catholic priest and theologian, who co-founded the religious order called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and became its first Superior General at Paris in 1541. The Jesuit order served the Pope as missionaries, and they were bound by a vow of special obedience to the sovereign pontiff in […]