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My Favorite World

What fictional (or nonfictional) world would you most like to visit? Or inhabit? What makes it particularly attractive to you? Our panelists join in a lively, fun discussion of what it takes to become a preferred planet — and whether or not we need an escape plan to get back. Why do/don’t all our choices measure up? (Past, future, or alternate Earths gratefully accepted, too.)

Mr. Walter H. Hunt (Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts) (hotc@walterhunt.com), Br Guy Consolmagno SJ (Vatican Observatory) (M) (brother_guy@mac.com), Leigh Perry (tonilpkelner@mindspring.com), John Chu (johnchu@acm.org), Steven Popkes (spopkes@stevenpopkes.com)

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Vatican Observatory 2025 astrophoto calendars now available for purchase in our e-store!