Press Kit

For a concise overview of the Vatican Observatory and its impact throughout the years, download our Media Kit.

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Press Contact

Journalists with questions about any aspect of our observatory and its work are welcome to contact us. You are free to arrange an interview directly with any member of the staff for interviews by telephone or email.

If you wish to do a more formal interview, on site, please note the following:

Travel to the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mt. Graham is difficult and requires advance notice.

Upon request we can provide high resolution images and professionally produced video of the site which journalists would be free to use.

All reporters wishing to conduct interviews or do filming at the VATT or any other telescope affiliated with the University of Arizona, or at the Richard Caris Mirror Lab, or on campus at the offices of Steward Observatory, should contact:

Cathi Duncan

Steward Observatory

For any other press or media related inquiries, feel free to reach out at: