“Oh, Fr. James, enjoy Arizona! We wish we could come with you!” This sentiment from the parishioners of St. Olaf Parish was greatly appreciated. I must admit, I don’t think the desire to join their pastor in Arizona was due to a love of astronomy, but probably a result of a couple weeks of sub-zero temperatures that froze my water pipes… twice. Still, I so appreciate how our parishioners support my interest in astronomy… even when I have to routinely clarify the difference between astronomy and astrology… I love my people!
Even though my parishioners wont be able to experience the warmer weather of Arizona, they will be able to stay connected with the daily events of ACME – As will you! Next week, I will offer brief journal posts each day to share the main themes of ACME. One of the things I enjoy doing with the presentations is applying the themes to my spiritual life. Therefore, these posts will be authentic journal entries that both document this event, but also share practical applications of how my faith has been touched by the day.
I so look forward to share our journey with you! Pray for us who will be in Arizona and keep your eyes open for “Fr. James’ ACME Journal” on the blog. Who knows, you might be able to learn something new! For example, why does the image below of the Orion and Running Man Nebulae look so funny and why was this image crucial for me to create the image of these celestial objects at the beginning of this post? Tune in next week and find out!