It’s been few weeks since the total solar eclipse. As is typical in my priesthood, a lot has happened in that time. One of the good things has been the fruits of my experience with our little group that gathered outside of Bloomington, Indiana.
In my presentations at the Solar Eclipse retreat, I encouraged the participants not to focus on the “harbinger of doom” approach to the eclipse. Instead, I encouraged them to let God play with them and let their experience be their own.
Since returning to Wisconsin, many parishioners have asked about my eclipse experience. Its hard to put into words really. I loved listening to the birds start their evening song. It was fascinating to see the light and shadows darken and crisp respectively. I enjoyed the sudden cool of the day since is was quite warm for my Wisconsin skin. It was an absolute joy to help people see the slow progression of the eclipse through my little h-alpha telescope. And it was powerful to behold the Dimond Rings both at the beginning and the end of the eclipse.
Still, I struggle to give a concise, “this was my experience” type of answer. Perhaps that’s a good sign. Maybe it points to a time of inner play with God. What if God wants my experience to be a “slow burn” instead of an instantaneous moment to be quickly moved away from?
I do know I took great delight helping the participants of the retreat enjoy their experience. It was so fun watching grown adults become like children. It was a blessing to see how God was playing with all of us.
In the weeks ahead, I want to explore this idea of playing with God through astronomy. I’m not sure where it will go, but I feel its a journey worth taking. Stay tuned!