Dr. Emmanuel Carreira Vérez S.J. (1931–2020) was a Spanish Jesuit and astronomer best known for his popular science and philosophy works, his professional contributions to astronomy being more unknown despite their high scientific level. His doctoral supervisor and collaborator was the famous Clyde Cowan, co-discoverer of the neutrino. His biographical profile has been recently addressed, but a compilation, inventory, and critical analysis of his numerous popular scientific books and his astronomical inventions are still necessary. The aim of this paper is to compile and analyze them in the scientific context of his time. We found that his scientific output comprised just 5 refereed papers (including one in Nature), 15 books, and 2 inventions (one of them patented in the United States and Spain), besides contributions in other areas of knowledge. An excellent communicator, his life deserves to be documented as a part of the history of Jesuit astronomy.
The Scientific Books and Astronomical Inventions of the Jesuit Astronomer Dr. Emmanuel Carreira Vérez S.J.
This entry is part 15 of 14 in the series Exploring the Solar System