- Article
- 2000 words
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This 2021 article by the University of Central Florida features Vatican astronomer Br. Bob Macke, who received his Ph.D. from UCF. The article discusses Macke’s work on meteorites and the work and history of the Vatican Observatory, and also features work by others at UCF that touch on the questions of science, faith, and wonder.
“There’s a Babylon 5 quote: ‘Faith and reason are the shoes on your feet. You can travel further with both than you can with just one,’ ” Macke says. “It’s not that the one is affecting the other per se. Science is a wonderful tool, but it’s a tool that is useful for understanding a certain aspect of reality, which is the way the physical world operates. Faith is a way of connecting with God and with others, but it is not something that tells us much about the physical world. So between the two of them, you help to develop a more complete picture of reality that one by itself just cannot provide.”
Click here to access the article from the University of Central Florida.