Join us Wednesday July 13th for our the next Full Moon-th Meetup where we’ll chat with Professor Phil Sakimoto from the University of Notre Dame’s Department of Physics & Astronomy.
We’ll also have the latest news of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope*.
This meetup is a perk for our Sacred Space Astronomy subscribers: on Wednesday July 13th, we’ll be holding our regularly scheduled on-line meetup where you get to chat with each other, and astronomers and scientists from the Vatican Observatory!
Professor Sakimoto is Director of the University’s Minor in Sustainability which prepares students to serve as leaders in their communities, who seek to implement more sustainable practices for the benefit of all.
Professor Sakimoto was in Kazakhstan overseeing installation of a planetarium for the Vatican’s exhibition at the EXPO-2017 Astana, an International Exposition – UNESCO, several international organizations and UN Agencies were represented there. The theme for the Expo was “Future Energy,” which aimed to raise awareness, and create debate about reducing CO2 emissions.
When? Wednesday, July 13th: Rain or shine
What time? These meetups will happen around lunch time in North America: in particular, 10:00 am Tucson time, which is 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time.
How do you access the Zoom link? Join Sacred Space Astronomy and you’ll get an email with the full link!
*The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope consists of the Alice P. Lennon Telescope, and the Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility.