Join us on Thursday, January 25th, for our next Full Moon-th Meetup with our guest Dr. Michelle Francl, the Frank B. Mallory Professor of Chemistry at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, and an Adjunct Scholar for the Vatican Observatory.
You may recall Dr. Francl was a guest for the Vatican Observatory podcast in Dec. of 2021: A Taste for Heavy Water. This time it’s a somewhat more familiar drink that will be the topic of this meetup. She’ll be talking about her new book: Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea – “Steeped explores the chemistry behind different styles of tea, from green teas to pu-erh. It tackles the age-old question of when, or even whether, to add milk. And it puts the chemistry to use with advice on how to brew a better cup.”
Q&A – The Philadelphia Inquirer: How science can help you make a better cup of tea and why a Bryn Mawr scientist wrote a book about it
Our tradition of hosting online meetups with our Sacred Space Astronomy members and the Vatican Observatory staff, scholars and friends during the Full Moon in Tucson (or thereabout) continues on Thursday, January 25th at 12:00 Noon ET (10:00 AM Tucson time). This meetup is a perk for our Sacred Space Astronomy subscribers- you get to chat with each other, and astronomers and scientists from the Vatican Observatory!
We’ll also have the latest astronomy news and an update about the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope*.

Michelle M. Francl, Ph.D. is a quantum chemist who has worked in areas ranging from the development of methods for computational chemistry to the structures of topologically intriguing molecules. She joined Bryn Mawr’s faculty in 1986; she was appointed an Adjunct Scholar of the Vatican Observatory in 2016.
She was elected a Fellow of the American Chemical Society in 2009 and was the 2019 recipient of the ACS Philadelphia Section Award. She gives occasional workshops on writing for scientists; her essays on science, culture and policy appear regularly in Nature Chemistry and other venues, including Slate.
Computational Chemistry Research
Her research group is interested in the application of theoretical models to problems of interest in organic, inorganic and biological systems. They use an interdisciplinary approach – mixing computational chemistry with a dash of topology, and a generous dollop of differential geometry.
When? Thursday, January 25, 2024: Rain or shine
What time? These meetups will happen around lunch time in North America: in particular, 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, which is 10:00 AM Tucson time.
How do you access the Zoom link? Join Sacred Space Astronomy and you’ll get an email with the full link! If you are already a member, log in to the Vatican Observatory site, and you will see the Zoom info at the bottom of this post.
This meeting was created in a non-BAA environment and is not intended for the discussion of healthcare, health education, or health data research.
*The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope consists of the Alice P. Lennon Telescope, and the Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility.