(These monthly announcements seem to work, so I’ll do it again…)
Please support this site, and spread the news!
We regularly get 300-400 people reading this blog every day. I would love to get that up to a thousand. Please spread the word!
We have a about 275 people who subscribe to the free email updates; I would love to see that number get up to 500. Please spread the word!
This site does not run for free. I am a strong believer that good writers deserve to be paid, and even though we can’t afford much, we do pay our (non-Jesuit) contributors. We also pay an excellent IT person to keep the site up and running. The funds come from “supporters like you”, as PBS likes to remind us. (And, for this year at least, with help from the Templeton Foundation. But that grant will run out…)
We hope that subscribers to this site will be moved to support the astronomy and outreach work of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. That means, please, if you can, consider joining our Sacred Space group. For just $10 a month you can help us do the work we do, supporting the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope and the education and public engagement efforts (like this blog!) of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.
In addition, by joining, you can join in on the conversations (i.e. you can comment on the blog entries.) We also have a number of other nice items we’ll pass out as premiums (premia?) for supporters at a higher level.
You can find all the details about joining, here.
We currently have just over 110 Sacred Space members. Could we reach 200 by the end of the year? Spread the word!
Now, back to the astronomy…