Explore Scientific’s 165th Global Star Party online
Jan. 28th starting at 6:00 PM Central (7:00 PM Eastern)
Explore Scientific’s Explore Alliance hosts the Global Star Party (GSP), a weekly live simulcast with astronomers and lovers of the night sky from around the world – and you can participate!
Several familiar names appear on the schedule for Jan. 28th, such as: legendary astronomer David Levy, author David Eicher and astrophotographer Adrian Bradley.
Br. Guy Consolmagno has been added to the schedule, and will be speaking from 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM Central (9:30 – 10:00 PM ET).
Strange Cosmologies
“The time of Galileo marked a revolution in science, an explosion of new ideas not only of how the universe worked but what sorts of questions were worth asking and what sort of answers might satisfy… including some truly bizarre ideas of what the Earth looked like and how (and why) it was situated in the heavens. We’ll look at some of the more colorful concepts that people espoused at the times… and what that might tell us as we grapple today with dark matter and dark energy.”
165th Global Star Party Schedule
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