As you well know, I have made the commitment to become good at night and star photography. It has been a fun journey that is feeding my artistic, scientific, and faith interests. As I have been sharing images on social media, good friends have invited me to do some imaging on their property. Not only has this created some beautiful images, but has given me an idea for a fall/winter set of reflections titled – From The Back Yard.
When looking at the upcoming star charts and the beautiful changes that have begun this Fall, I will be offering faith reflections supported by images I take locally. These reflections will draw upon my interests in astronomy and care for creation. As an open invitation, I would ask you, the readers of Sacred Space Astronomy, to suggest topics you would like me to not only reflect upon, but image as well. I would simply ask that they fit between the themes of astronomy and care fore creation.
Below are some images of star photography I did at the Geisert Farm in Fall Creek, Wisconsin. It was a beautiful night of imaging and friendship. The nature images without stars are from my parent’s farm in Central Wisconsin. These images have sparked some future ideas for pieces on care for creation.
Enjoy! Leave your suggestions in the comments below. I look forward to sharing my star journal with you and invite you into my backyard (and the backyard of others I know).
Happy Monday and Clear Skies.