Today’s featured entry from the Vatican Observatory Faith and Science pages:
“Biology in a Christian University” (CLICK HERE for it)
Alister McGrath is the Andreas Idreos Professor in Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. McGrath writes: “The complexity and importance of discussions about biological evolution, human identity and human beliefs is of such importance that it is essential to establish an informed forum within which they can be discussed and explored. Modern biology is beginning to rediscover the notion of teleology, and explore its possible implications. Might evolution be much more directed as a process than might hitherto have been realized?…” (CLICK HERE to continue).
The Faith and Science pages (F&S) are a unique resource on the web. The material in F&S is stuff that you will find nowhere else (or at least not without a lot of digging). Featured areas on F&S include “History of Church and Science”; “Church and Science Today”; “Science and Scripture”; “Science, Religion & Society”; “Life in the Universe”; “Cosmology”; and more. The level of the F&S material ranges from being accessible to all audiences, with even some material oriented toward young readers, up to material for university specialists.
The F&S pages, like this blog, are made possible by the Vatican Observatory Foundation (the Vatican Observatory’s US operation that operates the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, or VATT, in Arizona). CLICK HERE to support the F&S pages, this blog, and the operation of the VATT.