Here we have an image of a region that is often overlooked. Certainly it was by me. At the bottom middle of the image is the crater Manilius (41km dia.) To the right of this crater is the flat area Lacus Lenitatis and a little further on is Lacus Hiemalis and above them Lacus Gaudii. Just above Manilius is another flat area, Lacus Doloris and further on another Lacus Felicitatis to the left and Lacus Odii to the right. Of the 20 features listed as “lacus” on the Moon, this little region has over a quarter of them! Notice to the left of Manilius there is a mountain sitting in northern Mare Vaporum and a nice fat dome next to that mountain. I could find no identification for that dome.
Directly above Manilius near the middle of this image is the smallish crater Sulpicius Gallus (12km) on the shores of Mare Serenitatis. To the right of this crater are the Rimae Sulpicius Gallus. Just above this is the wrinkle ridge Dorsum Buckland. way over to the right is another sizable crater, Menelaus (27km). Who thought it was a good idea to put Manilius and Menelaus next to each other?! Above Menelaus in the Mare is the isolated crater Bessel (17km). Lastly, way over on the left edge is the crater Conon (22km) which is near Hadley Rille in the Montes Apennine.
So much going on in this overlooked region!