The Heavens Proclaim: Astronomy and the Vatican was published by the Vatican Observatory in honor of the International Year of Astronomy in 2009 – celebrating the first astronomical use of the telescope by Galileo. Members of the Vatican Observatory wrote chapters discussing our history, our current research, and reflections on our role in the world of science and faith. This publication is full of beautiful images from the Vatican’s telescopes, and wisdom from the Popes.
There is now a Portuguese translation of this book available, and better yet – it’s free from Amazon, several other distributers!
A number of chapters from the book (in English) are available on this site.
- About the Universe (click here)
- A Galactic Universe (click here)
- A History of the Vatican Observatory (click here)
- Astronomy, Calendars, and Religion (click here)
- At the VATT (click here)
- Extrasolar Planets (click here)
- Frequently Asked Questions About The Universe (click here)
- Galileo and His Times: Some Episodes (click here)
- Is Big Bang Cosmology In Conflict With Divine Creation? (click here)
- Meteorites: Aliens At The Vatican (click here)
- Popes and Astronomy (click here)
- Stars And The Milky Way (click here)
To see a list of our books, click here.