The forecast lately has been rain, rain and more rain. So I decided to get active in pursuing the conjunction as it builds toward December 21st. Saturn and Jupiter the largest planets in the solar system getting closer and closer. The actual historic alignment may well pass my eyes by but the journey towards the day is worth doing.
I took this photo on December 7th at 17:16 Jupiter easy to spot Saturn less so at that time. I had visions of drawing the two planets as they got lower in the apricot sky. Alas, that was not to be due to the precipitation overload in the following days. However, I did manage a partial drawing later that evening, which includes the lovely Delphinus. That drawing (below) had to be abandoned because of cloud and the fact that Jupiter dipped below my horizon before I got to add more detail to that small section of our galaxy. Pursuing the conjunction that evening was an extreamly icy experience, too cold for drawing.
On December 14th Jupiter and Saturn had become much closer (below). The sunset colours lingered on the horizon. Black clouds masked the blue-grey sky, the planets played hide and seek over the ever-fading pale apricot sky. My drawing shows the sky over Killadoon Co Mayo with a tiny glimpse of Saturn and Jupiter.
One shall continue the endeavour of pursuing the conjunction in the hope of seeing something profoundly beautiful. December 18th am looking at broken cloud on the horizon right now so maybe a gap will form later, with a bit of luck.