Support The Catholic Astronomer Blog
According to our analytics, 7,222 people are regular followers of this blog (compared to just under 7000 last month). That’s great! But only 139 of you are actual paying members. It is your support that lets us keep the blog going. (We pay our contributors… a pittance, mind you, but still it isn’t for free.)
If we could have even just ten percent of our readership support us at the rate of $10 a month, that would raise enough not only to keep the blog going but to substantially support the other astronomy and faith outreach activities of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. And, by the way, for those of you who can still deduct… we are a tax exempt 501c3 nonprofit organization.
How to do this?
Join the Sacred Space Giving Program, and you will have reserved access to the Catholic Astronomer blog! You’ll be able to join in on conversations with blog authors, and you’ll receive a copy of the Sacred Space Prayer Book. Depending on the level you chose, you may have access to one of our astronomers to connect via Skype to your school or club.
See below for details of the various giving levels starting at only $10 per month. An electronic monthly donation drafted directly from your credit card makes giving simple.
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Pleiades Membership: $10 per month
Pleiades Members receive the annual Sacred Space prayer book and full access to the Catholic Astronomer website.[/parallax]
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Hercules Membership: $50 per month
At the Hercules level, in addition to the above, members also receive their choice of any book from our current book store.[/parallax]
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Andromeda Membership: $100 per month
In addition to all of the above, Andromeda members may have an astronomer from the Vatican Observatory to connect for one hour via Skype to the school classroom or club of your choice.[/parallax]
All Sacred Space members will receive a copy of Sacred Space: The Prayer Book, a year-long prayer book for thoughtful Christians with busy lives. With daily scripture readings and meditations in the Ignatian tradition, this well-respected book is a popular, portable, and accessible, prayer book published by the Irish Jesuits.
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Please allow up to 48 hours for your access to the Catholic Astronomer to be validated. A password and user ID will be emailed to you once your subscription is validated.
The Vatican Observatory Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation. Charitable donations are eligible for a tax deduction.
Please Spread the Word About The Catholic Astronomer Blog
Our readership has grown steadily over the last year, but we’d love to have more! Please pass the word about the Catholic Astronomer blog, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
Image Credits:
Messier 45 – The Pleiades Star Cluster. Image via Project Nightflight.
Messier 13 – The Great Cluster in Hercules. Image acquisition by Jim Misti, image processing by Robert Gendler.
Messier 31 – The Andromeda Galaxy. Credit: NASA, ESA, Digitized Sky Survey 2 (Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin)