1. Astronomy is addictive; start reading about it at The Catholic Astronomer and you’ll be wasting time that could be applied to planning policy meetings, organizing twitter boycotts, or writing your own list of seven reasons to do something.
2. Astronomy with a human twist, the way it is presented at this site, suggests that astronomy is supposed to be fun, not a series of Truths From the Big Textbook in the Sky.
3. Astronomy with a Catholic twist, the way it is presented at this site, suggests that maybe everything you know about the Church suppressing science might not be quite true.
4. Galileo. Yeah, that’s it, Galileo. Got you there, didn’t I? Oh… this.
5. They’re just after your money. (We could deny it, pointing out that anyone can read these posts. But then you could prove us wrong, by actually joining up here!)
6. There is no rule six.
7. Clicking on any site who lures you with an artificial list of “seven” or “ten” or however many arbitrary reasons, is just falling for clickbait at its worst. You wouldn’t want to do that.