Spiritual Work of Mercy:
The Contemplation of God through the Contemplation of God’s Creation.
To begin, take a few minutes and simply gaze at Michaela’s first photograph titled, Contemplation.
How does it speak to you?
Next, look at the second image that provides you with questions for reflection.
Pope Francis has added two new Works of Mercy pertaining to Care for Creation. The Spiritual Work of Mercy can be summarized as: The Contemplation of God through the Contemplation of God’s Creation. How do the images above speak to you about the need to care for creation? Do you find your view of creation to be more functional or sacramental, seeing a sacred character to creation or simply a collection raw materials to be used as we desire? What are the moral and ethical responsibilities that awaken in us as was gaze upon God’s creation?
Spiritual Exercise: Take some time today, get outside (weather permitting), and practice The Contemplation of God through the Contemplation of God’s Creation. What questions emerge in your heart as you gaze either at beauty or tragedy? If you would be comfortable, share what emerges in your practice of this Spiritual Work of Mercy in the comment section of this post. May all of us be stirred to love God and neighbor through the contemplation of God’s creation, helping us understand how creation contributes to supporting human dignity for current and future generations.