It is time for another update of what you can find in La Civiltà Cattolica regarding the Vatican Observatory and its research.
Since May of 2023, La Civiltà, the Jesuit periodical that has been in publication since 1850, has been sporting a special section on the front page of its website, dedicated to the Vatican Observatory. The special section is titled “A Riveder le Stelle: Novità dall’osservatorio astronomico vaticano”. That translates to “A Review of the Stars: News from the Vatican astronomical observatory”. More poetically, it is “To see the stars again: News from the Vatican astronomical observatory”.
The Vatican Observatory articles are also available in English in a “Vatican Observatory” section on the front page of the English version of the La Civiltà Cattolica website. The English title is less poetic, but English articles are probably more accessible to readers of Sacred Space Astronomy.
The articles are short (under 700 words each) and written with a broad audience in mind.
The tagline on the English website says, “Reflecting the Mind of the Vatican since 1850”. It is good to see that astronomy is part of what is on the mind! These special sections provide a great overview of the research work that goes on at the VO.

The following topics have been covered recently on the English La Civiltà Cattolica. Click on each to learn more:
- The Canonical Equivalence between Jordan and Einstein Frames
- Weird Star Research Continues at the Vatican Observatory
- God’s Great Work of Creation does not Often Give Up its Secrets Easily
- Meet the First Woman Astronomer at the Vatican Observatory
Click here for other posts about La Civiltà Cattolica.