- Article (blog post, with videos)
- 850 words
- Level: all audiences
In this post on The Catholic Astronomer blog, Fr. James Kurzynski writes about science leading to faith. Fr. Kurzyski writes:
One of the astonishing claims of McGrath is that the deeper he studied science, the more he became open to God, summarized in the provocative sentiment that science drove McGrath away from atheism. The heart of this conversion was that, through the complexities of science and its inability to answer questions of meaning and pursue, he began to see that Christianity did not contradict science, but Christianity allowed him to delve deeper into his science…. [N]atural theology and Hans Urs Von Balthasar give voice to the very thing that Alister McGrath has discovered through his study of science: Life cannot be reduced to the material, but there is in the material a beauty and order that points to something beyond the thing itself.