- Book
- 180 pages
- Level: university
This 2023 book published by the Muzeum Dom Rodzinny Jana Pawła II w Wadowicachis (Museum of the Family Home of the Holy Father John Paul II in Wadowice) is the proceedings, in both Polish and English, of the “Fides et Ratio“ conference of the same name, held in Cracow, Poland in November of that year. The conference, held in conjunction with the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, sought to bring together prominent representatives of science and faith (two of whom were affiliated with the Vatican Observatory) at Cracow to present the results of their research and considerations related to religion and science as seen by John Paul II and Nicolaus Copernicus. Speakers included:
- Fr. Giulio Maspero, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome: “Quantum Fractals and the Cappadocians: Comparison and Correspondence in the Knowledge of the Universe“
- Christopher Graney, Vatican Observatory: “Copernicus and the Universe of Stars“
- Jeremy Brown, National Institute of Health, Washington D.C.: “Viking 1, The uncentering of the world and the Jewish Search for meaning“
- Javier Sánchez-Cañizares, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain: “A Singular Universe: The Ultimate Copernican Revolution“
- Michał Heller, Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland (also Vatican Observatory): “The Copernican Question in Theology: Must Theology Be Geocentric?“
- Robert J. Woźniak, Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland: “Hans Blumenberg reading of Copernicus: Sun, Science and Secularization“
The conference was conducted by Fr. Wojciech Grygiel of the Pontifical University of John Paul II.
The title of the book in Polish is Fides et Ratio: Kopernik między wiarą i rozumem, wczoraj i dzi.
Click here to download the book in PDF format, courtesy of and by permission of the Muzeum Dom Rodzinny Jana Pawła II w Wadowicachis. English starts at page 95.
Video of the conference presentations is also available, in both English and Polish. Click here for that.