I’ve been working on my last reflection on Benedict XVI’s homilies on Genesis today. As I’ve been working, my “science news notifications” started to go off on my cellphone, sharing some potentially exciting news. A number of credible news outlets are reporting that the United States Department of Energy will be holding a press conference tomorrow. Speculation is that it will be to announce a major breakthrough in fusion technology, bringing us one step closer to an unlimited power source that has no byproduct.
Too good to be true? I’ll leave that to the professional scientists who write for Sacred Space Astronomy to comment on. Still, there’s enough out there that makes me want to hear what all the excitement is about! To give you a little background on fusion and fission, I’ll share a video below that explains fusion from MIT.
Now, back to working my Benedict piece. Happy Monday!
Follow-Up: Confirmed! A major advancement in science has occurred! Below is the Press Conference. My apologies for the political bravado at the beginning of the press conference. Sacred Space Astronomy does not seek to endorse any political ideology other than Catholic Social Teaching. My purpose of posting this is to share the scientific announcement. If you wish to skip the political bravado that came with this announcement, start watching at 11:19.
Follow-Up #2: Here is a little more sober of an assessment of the press conference. Enjoy!