The waning crescent Moon joins Mars and Jupiter in the southeastern predawn sky for the next several days.
The constellations Orion, Taurus and the Pleiades star cluster rise in the East with the dusk and are visible all night.

Orion, Taurus and the Pleiades all set in the west around shortly before dawn.
Astronomical League’s Navigating the mid-late December Night Sky Map
The Sun
There is a tiny little sunspot (near the center of the image), otherwise the Sun is doing what the Sun normally does when at solar minimum: practically nothing…

Both the Sun’s poles have coronal holes, and there are a couple smaller coronal holes near the equator. The solar wind speed is fairly typical at 489 km/sec, with a density of 7.0 protons/cm3.

You can view the Sun in multiple frequencies, in near real-time here: SDO-The Sun Now
The Sky Overhead
The Solar System

This is the position of the planets in the inner and outer solar system simulated using NASA Eyes on the Solar System.
Apps used for this post:
Stellarium: a free open source planetarium app for PC/MAC/Linux.
NASA Eyes on the Solar System: an immersive 3D solar system and space mission app – free for the PC /MAC.