Bright stars and planets are splashed across the southern sky at midnight; Jupiter and Saturn are both great observing targets all night long!
Mars shines bright red in the southern sky before sunrise; Saturn sets in the southwest with the sunrise.

Venus continues its vigil in the west as the evening star; you may be able to catch a glimpse of Mercury shortly after sunset.
The star Regulus will appear very near Venus after sunset on July 9th.

The Moon
The Moon is a waning gibbous heading towards third quarter on July 6th, after which it will be a waning crescent.
The waning gibbous Moon will appear in the southern sky with Mars on the 3rd and 4th.

A thin waning crescent Moon will appear in the eastern sky with the Pleiades star cluster before sunrise on July 9th.

Observing Target: Albireo
At the head of Cygnus the swan is Albireo, a star whose name it seems, I will always spell wrong…
Albireo when viewed through a small telescope appears as a double star with a gold and a striking blue component.
In light-polluted skies, a trick to see the star’s colors better is to slightly de-focus the telescope:

It is unknown if Albireo is a true double star system (as in the image below), or an optical binary – where the two components are not gravitationally bound, and can be physically quite far apart. If Albireo is a true binary, the pair will orbit around a common center-of-gravity called a barycenter, and have an orbital period of around 100,000 years.

I’m hopeful stellar census data collected the GAIA mission will resolve the issue of Albireo as a binary star.
The Sun
The Sun as been spot-free for 6 days. The coronal hole at the south pole from last week seems to have closed up, only to be replaced by a large hole at the Sun’s north pole. says: that “the featureless solar disk is a sign that Solar Minimum is coming…” The solar wind speed is 315.4 km/sec, with a density of 10.1 protons/cm3.
To make up for the lack of sunspots, there have been small prominences everywhere on the Sun’s limb over the last couple days
You can create your own time-lapse movies of the Sun here: AIA/HMI Browse Data.
You can browse all the SDO images of the Sun from 2010 to the present here: Browse SDO archive.
Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid |
Miss Distance
Velocity (km/s)
Diameter (m)
2018 LT6 |
11.6 LD
2018 LJ1 |
13.9 LD
2018 MB7 |
2.8 LD
2018 LQ2 |
9.4 LD
2016 GK135 |
16.8 LD
2016 NF23 |
13.3 LD
1998 SD9 |
4.2 LD
2018 DE1 |
15.2 LD
Notes: LD means “Lunar Distance.” 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. Table from
Near-Earth objects (NEOs) discovered this month: 0, this year: 886, all time: 18436.
Potentially hazardous asteroids: 1912 (as of July 3, 2018)
Minor Planets discovered: 779,736 (as of July 3, 2018)
On July 2, 2018, the NASA All Sky Fireball Network reported 27 fireballs.

The Solar System
This is the position of the planets and a couple spacecraft in the solar system:

As I was generating these solar system images, it occurred to me that most of the planets are (more or less) on the same side of the Sun if viewed from a certain angle along the plane of the ecliptic:

Confirmed Exoplanets: 3,735 (5/31/2018)
Multi-Planet Systems: 614 (5/31/2018)
Kepler Candidate Exoplanets: 4,496 (8/31/2017)
TESS Candidate Exoplanets: 0
Data from the NASA Exoplanet Archive
Exoplanet of the Week: Kepler-16b
Kepler-16b is a Saturn-mass planet orbiting binary star Kepler-16 with a period of 229 days. Kepler-16b was the first confirmed example of a circumbinary planet– a planet orbiting a binary star pair.
Apps used for this post:
Stellarium: a free open source planetarium app for PC/MAC/Linux. It’s a great tool for planning observing sessions.
NASA Eyes on the Solar System: an immersive 3D solar system and space mission simulator – free for the PC /MAC. I maintain the unofficial NASA Eyes Facebook page.
Space Engine is realistic 3D space simulator; you can travel from star to star, from galaxy to galaxy