Our Team

Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, S.J.

Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, S.J.


Vatican Observatory

Area of Research

Asteroids and Meteorites

Rev. Gabriele Gionti, S.J.

Rev. Gabriele Gionti, S.J.

Vice-Director of the Vatican Observatory for Castel Gandolfo


Area of Research

Cosmology and Quantum Gravity

Fr. Christoforus Bayu Risanto, S.J.

Area of Research

Staff atmospheric scientist

Br. Robert J. Macke, S.J.

Br. Robert J. Macke, S.J.



Vatican Meteorite Collection

Area of Research

Meteorite Physical Properties

Rev. Robert Janusz, S.J.

Rev. Robert Janusz, S.J.

Philosopher and Physicist

Area of Research

Computer Science, CCD Photometry

Rev. Alessandro Omizzolo

Rev. Alessandro Omizzolo


Area of Research

Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters, Preservation and Digitization of Astronomical Plates

Rev. Richard A. D’Souza, S.J.

Rev. Richard A. D’Souza, S.J.


Area of Research

Galaxy Foundation and Evolution

Fr. Jacek Olczyk, S.J.

Specola Administrative and Outreach

Vatican Observatory

Assistant to the Director

Vatican Observatory

Rev. Matteo Galaverni

Rev. Matteo Galaverni

Associate Astronomer

Area of Research

Theoretical Cosmology