- Physics (Jagiellonian University: 1983-1988);
- Novitiate (Stara Wieś: 1988-1990);
- Philosophy (Wydział Filozoficzny Towarzystwa Jezusowego w Krakowie: 1990-1994);
- Theology (Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale, Sezione San Luigi, Napoli: 1994-1998);
- Philosophy (The Pontifical Academy of Theology in Krakow: 2001-2002);
- Tertianship (Campion Center, Weston, Massachusetts, USA: 2002-2003).
In the domain of informatics (computer science), he deals with databases, scientific software, client-server applications, GUI etc. He programs basically in languages based on the object-oriented paradigm and SQL.
In the domain of astronomy, he participates in the international project of the CCD photometry of star clusters, in which data obtained at the Vatican Telescope VATT play an important role. This project uses the Vilnius Photometric System to analyze, classify and study stars and interstellar matter.
In the domain of philosophy of nature, he is interested in the issues of field theory, computer science and mathematicity of the world (the Mathematical Program for the Universe). Recognizing the split that took place in culture, dividing it into a humanistic and scientific one, he tries to merge them, especially on the basis of ethical and theological global perspectives.