Brenda L. Frye is an observational cosmologist with research interests in the area of the formation and evolution of galaxies. She earned her Ph. D. in Astrophysics from the University of California at Berkeley, assisted by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Her thesis work involved measuring the physical properties of faint and distant galaxies which are boosted artificially in brightness by natural telescopes in space, an approach that enabled her to study galaxies when the universe was less than one billion years old.
Moving a mile from her Ph. D. institution, she assumed a postdoctoral position with the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under the direction of Physics Nobel Prize winner Professor Saul Perlmutter. She then crossed the country to hold two consecutive postdoctoral fellowship positions at Princeton University.
She has taught physics and astronomy at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Dublin City University in Ireland, the University of San Francisco, and the University of Arizona where she is currently Associate Professor of Astronomy.