Faith & Science Resource Center

The Resource Center comprises a selection of hundreds of articles, videos, and audio files on the topic of Faith and Science, for the use of Catholic educators and Catholics seeking education, produced by members of the Vatican Observatory with the support of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. Enjoy!

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Religious Scientists

Religious Scientists

Many scientists are religious people—men and women of faith—believers in God.  This section features some of the religious scientists who appear in different entries on these Faith and Science pages. Some of these scientists are well-known, others less so. Many are Catholic, many are not. Most are Christian, but some are not.

Some of these scientists of faith have lived saintly lives. Many scientists who are faith-full tend to describe science as an effort to understand the works of God and thus to grow closer to God. Quite a few describe their work in science almost as a duty they have to seek to improve the lives of their fellow human beings through greater understanding of the world around them. But the people featured here are featured because they are scientists, not because they are saints (even when they are, in fact, saints). Scientists tend to be creative, independent-minded and confident of their ideas. Religious scientists can be prone to conflict: Newton disagreed with his fellow Anglicans over matters of Trinitarian theology; Kepler squabbled with his fellow Lutherans over fine points of doctrine; Galileo is the most well-known case.

Showing 1 - 12 of 51 results

Showing 1 - 12 of 51 results