Anselm of Canterbury and Nicholas of Cusa

  • Source page with links to many articles
  • More than 100 articles linked
  • Level: university

A source page, with many links, prepared by the University of Minnesota philosopher Jasper Hopkins, about two key philosophers of nature during the scholastic era:

Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), often called the Father of Scholasticism, was born in Aosta, in the Kingdom of Burgundy. Today Aosta belongs to Italy, specifically to the region of Val d’Aosta. Anselm later became prior (1063), and then abbot (1078), of the Monastery of Bec-Hellouin in Normandy, France. In 1093 he was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury in England. As an intellectual, he is known above all for his three works the Monologion, the Proslogion, and the Cur Deus Homo.

Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464), sometimes misleadingly referred to as the first “modern” philosopher, was born in Kues, Germany (today Bernkastel-Kues). He became a canon lawyer and a cardinal. His two best-known works are De Docta Ignorantia (On Learned Ignorance) and De Visione Dei (On the Vision of God).

Click here to reach the full source page with links to many of their writings.