- Article
- 3000 words
- Level: all audiences
This is a 1933 New York Times interview with Fr. Georges Lemaître, Father of the “Big Bang Theory“. The Times comments that Lemaître’s views are “interesting and important not because he is a Catholic priest, not because he is one of the leading mathematical physicists of our time, but because he is both“.
The article does traffic in a number of stereotypes. However, Lemaître’s words are worth reading through those.
Click here for a PDF copy of the original Times article, courtesy of The Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science (INTERS), published by the Centro di Documentazione Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede operating at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. The resolution of the PDF is modest.
Click here for a transcription of the Times article (with some transcription errors), courtesy of the Society of Catholic Scientists.